I am so bad about wanting to re-do my house all the time. When I was growing up in my parents home, I must have changed my bedroom furniture around every month. I would stay up all night rearranging all my stuff until I had everything just perfect. When I moved out into my own apartment and was making my own money, I not only rearranged, but I redecorated. You don't have to spend a lot of money to do so- sometimes all I would do is buy new throw pillows and paint a new canvas to hang on the wall. It would look like an entirely different space! When my husband and I moved in together- I think I drove him nuts in our very small townhouse trying to change things up all the time. There is just something about refreshing our space that makes me feel better. I have fun doing it and I want to spend more time there when we do. I love it! I have narrowed my desires of rearranging and decorating to around 3 times a year now- but once I'm in the mood to get started- it does not go away until I get it done! Guess what? I'm in one of my moods now! I'm ready to start sanding and painting, sewing and reupholstering, and well, you've got the idea! BTW-
Happy Pink and Green Thursday!!

Maybe I will just use my creativity on here and save my honey some mulah! LOL