I know my posts have been a bit on the sad side lately, so I am happy to get back to my happy posts! What a great way to start the day- Five Question Friday!

1. What do you do when you have time to yourself?
I like to do a lot of things when I get some time alone- I love to paint, read, make things, and blog!
2. When you look out your kitchen window, what do you see?
The ball park! lol- which can be annoying sometimes because of the lights.
3. Who/What would you want to be reincarnated as?
Probably a sparrow- just because I like them and they have all sorts of sweet meanings. Who knows if they are true- but I like them. They represent finding true love (soul mates), innocence, and they are known to travel, but always return home. My husband and I both have a sparrow tattoo. (Please note that his is more masculine than mine, LOL)
4. What is your biggest pet peeve about other people's kids?
Let me just say for starters that my kid is not perfect- he pitches fits, pinches, and gets in trouble on a daily basis BUT I do discipline him. My biggest pet peeve about other people's kids has to be when they are acting up or being dis-respectful and their parents don't get on to them. AND that my friends is NOT the child's fault. There is not a whole lot that kids can do to really bother me, but parents sure can!
5. Regular or Diet soda?How about no soda! Iced water with lemon, please mam!
Hope ya'll have a blessed weekend and do something fun for the holiday!

Good for you on only drinking water! I think we need a picture of the husband's sparrow tattoo! haha I said a prayer for your famiyl during this difficult time and I am happy you are back home getting back to some normalcy!
Oh you're so good...no soda! I'm going to try to kick the habit soon!