This Friday's five questions... are...
1. Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself?
sometimes I do.. but sometimes I know I need to treat myself. I recently bought a new camera for school and I have felt guilty for spending so much on it, even though I bought it from a local guy who had it listed on I got a really great price on it, I just hated that I spent that much in one purchase on myself.

I know our neighbors VERY well... my brother is marrying one of their daughters. They have 3 girls and they have always been like little sisters to me. They have always been like family- long before my brother decided to officially make them family.

3. What age are you looking forward to being?
I can't say I am really looking forward to being older, but I do think a lot about what the future will be like when my kids are grown and come home to visit Jimbo and I. I also think about what we will be like when we grow old together.
4. Do you get excited when the mail comes? Why?
Oh, yes! I get really excited when I get anything in the mail besides bills. I love getting cards or letters from friends. I also love to send them :) There is just something about getting snail mail from someone who thought enough about you to take the time to put something in the mail for you. That's all.
5. What is your earliest childhood memory?
I have LOTS of early memories- but one that usually comes to mind is my Daddy's baby blue volkswagon bug back in the day. I remember playing in the back seat and riding my tricycle all around it. I also remember watching him work on it outside. I was like 2 or 3 years old at the time.

You should join the Friday Fun with me and link up over here. Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
Oh.. and Happy Birthday my love.
i loveeeeee getting the mail! it's very weird. i've always been that way! :) have a great weekend!