Then Sunday evening is of course Halloween! I am so excited to get the little one ready in his cowboy costume! We are having our usual halloween party in my parents back yard. I always enjoy it so much... getting to make cute treats for the kids, mama's homemade chili, and this year I am even more excited because I am decorating the kids wagons, filling them with pine straw and quilts and giving mini hayrides! LOL
1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?
Hmmm... I don't know. There are so many walls I would like to sit on and listen to people's conversations. I love history and old stories, so the first place that comes to mind is somewhere in the White House. I know that probably sounds boring, but I am so interested in past presidents family life and crazy things that happened while living there. I'm reading
Laura Bush's book right now and I love different parts of it and how she opens up about things that took place during their time living at the White House.
2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?
I usually set a budget to begin with, but then just do whatever to get the job done LOL
My favorite part is getting all the stuff out that I have bought over time and wrapping it all at once! Seems like there is just TONS of stuff and it's more fun for me!
3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?
Do we really need to discuss the diet that was claimed to be done by all of Hollywood's starlets? I'm sure some people can stomach the cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and maple syrup but I JUST CAN'T DO IT. I gagged everytime I went to drink it.
4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?
Prison Break and Grey's Anatomy. Never missed a beat.

5. What one song always pulls at your heart?
"I Will Be Watching You" by Sting because a boy that was at one time my boyfriend was killed in an automobile accident when we were in 10th grade. They played this song at his funeral.

Have a seriously fun weekend everybody! Stay safe!