It seems as though lately their have been quite a few posts I have come across that have to do with our insecurities and how we percieve ourselves. Some of these posts have really made me sad. I have spent this year trying to love myself more- accepting myself for who I am and working on my faults at the same time. I have been insecure about my looks as far I can think back. There were a lot of fun times in highschool that I missed out on because I was too worried about what I looked like to relax and have fun. Once upon a time I weighed 120 lb. and still I thought I was so hideous that I wore a t-shirt over my swimsuit. Why are we always our worst critic?
This year I have really tried to not be so hard on myself. I have tried to put all that energy to exercising and eating healthier. I am trying to be more positive and notice the things I love about myself in the mirror rather than what's wrong with me. Just so you know... I have discovered that I really love my eyes!
Here is a picture that was taken of me and my son a few months back and when I first saw it I was mortified at how horrible I looked. I don't know why I felt that way because now I look at it and think it is beautiful.

I wrote the following post in January and it is so encouraging to see how far I have come since that morning when I wrote "Heidi". That day was the beginning of my quest to be a better person and mother by finding confidence within myself.

So ladies and gentleman...
Just in case you don't think so... You are beautiful!
Just in case no one has ever told you... you are beautiful!
Just in case you don't believe me... try really hard... really accept that you are beautiful!
Let loose and have fun... enjoy your life and don't miss out on any more oppurtunities because you think you are anything less than extraordinary!

awww love this post! i think that picture above IS beautiful. so are you!!