
Monday, November 22, 2010

WW Wed.-Early

In case you did not read my lost post... I am having surgery tomorrow and I am uncertain of how this week will pan out, so I am going ahead with Weight Watchers Wed. and providing you with point values for traditional Thanksgiving foods. I think I might just get a small spoon of all my favorites on my plate, that way I get to have a little of everything.


1 oz crackers (3)
1 oz low-fat hard cheese (2)
4 oz turkey breast (4)
3.2 oz. honey baked ham (5.5)
1/3 cup canned cranberry sauce (3)
1/4 cup brown gravy (2)
1/2 cup stuffing (4)
1/2 cup mashed potato (2)
1/2 cup candied sweet potato (4)
1/2 cup green bean casserole (2.5)
1/2 cup cooked carrots (0.5)
1 small glass wine (2)
1 small slice (1/16 of 9” pie) pumpkin pie (4.5)
1 small slice (1/16 of 9” pie) apple pie (4.5)
1 small slice (1/16 of 9" pie) pecan pie (12)
1/4 cup light aerosol whipped cream (1)

Pile up on the veggies and for heavens sake stay away from that pecan pie! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, E


  1. Good luck with your surgery, sweetie!

    Hope you have a safe and fast recovery.

  2. Thinking of you. :)

    Take care and happy Thanksgiving.

    If you need a little "pick-me-up," I'm hosting a fabulous "MikWright" giveaway. Stop by if you feel up to it!
