
Monday, November 22, 2010

Good morning! It's Monday, but not a normal Monday; today is the Monday of a holiday week and that's a good thing, right? Just trying to make today a little more exciting :) I'm sorta delirious right now; Judson did not eat all of his dinner last night so he woke up around 2:30 a.m. hungry and by then he was wide awake. Which meant WE were awake until around 5 a.m. I am super sluggish right now and trying to regain a little energy by drinking a cup of coffee.
I am having surgery tomorrow morning. I am nervous but excited all at the same time. It's something I have put off and put off ( for 7 years) and I can't put it off any longer. I am having my endometriosis removed. After having my wonderful husband help me get out of bed in the mornings, not being able to pick up my child at times, walking around like a hunch-back because I hurt so bad, and taking lots and lots of muscle relaxers to help me relax and go night night... it is time. A lot of times after a woman has a child and her hormones change, endometriosis has been known to go away and never return. We thought mine was gone, but 5 months after Judson was born, it came creeping back into my body. Please say a prayer for me that the surgery is successful and goes great.
Because I am having surgery and Thanksgiving festivities will be going on, I am going to go ahead and give you my list of what I am thankful for this year AND do my WW Wed. a little early. Here is what I am thankful for:
Healthy, smart and hilarious Boogs! He keeps me on my toes and melts my heart every time he looks at me. I love to hear him say "mama" over and over again. It feels good to be important to someone. I love how he lights up when I enter the room and gives me kisses to no end. I love how he puts his hands on my face and places his forehead against mine. He makes me laugh when everything in the world seems to be crashing in on me. He loves me. And that my friends is the best feeling in the world.

A husband who treats me like a princess. He really does. I used to pray for a man that I deep down did not think really existed. There was no way such a guy could exist. But he did... and he does... God made him just for me. Sometimes I can't believe he is all mine. Here is the first picture we ever took together. I knew on that day that I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. That day, was simply magical.

I know this sounds silly, but I really am thankful for honey baked hams! LOL! They are my absolute favorite holiday food and I really really really can't wait to try Nola Girl's delicious recipe!

Doctors who can help me feel better. I work at the College of Medicine and see lots of students become doctors. God gave these people gifts I tell ya; to learn things my brain does not comprehend, to use their hands in ways I could never imagine, to take people apart and put them back together again, and to help heal. P.S. I love this photograph; it's called "Glitter in my Veins" via here.

Blogger friends- because even when it seems like I don't have a friend in the world, I know that someone out there is reading this and thinking of me and that is comforting to know. I have made so many "blogger" friends and receive so many words of thoughtfulness through e-mails, snail mail and comments. Thanks guys! Oh, and not to mention nice gifts! Thanks again Heather for my beautiful earrings!

And for my family. It has been an extremely rough couple of years of us and my family has taken us in and loved us like none other. They have helped us in EVERY time of need and loved us when we weren't our best. I will be forever grateful for you. And hey Mom- we really need an upgraded family photograph. In particular.. one that includes our new sister-in-law. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to stop and say thank you. You really do have something to be thankful for even if you don't think so sometimes.

P.S. Look on my sidebar for a link to make a personalized owl calendar. So cute!!! ------------------->

Love, E

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK w/ your surgery!!! i love the pic of you and the husband. soooooooo gorgeous! yall are both beautiful people! :) i love your thankful list. it made me happy :) hope you have a wonderful week.
