TGIF. Nuf said.
1. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
I've had part of my lip sewn back on due to an accident when I was in 3rd grade, a breast reduction, a blood-clot removed from my nose, and a spider bite on my eyelid, BUT I am dead serious when I say that none of those were as painful as a dry socket I got after I had my wisdom teeth removed!
Don't know what a dry socket is? This condition exist when a blood clot is dislodged from the surgery site thus exposing the bone and fine nerve endings. Just so you know the depth of this pain- it hurt for me to lay in a room where a ceiling fan was turned on because the air would hurt my face so bad. Yep.

2. How much sleep do you get at night?
Probably around 5 or 6. I wish I got more though. Between me working, going to school at night, spending time with my family and doing mom duties around the house there is just not too many hours left for sleep. Maybe one day (sigh).
3. How long did you believe in Santa Claus? How did you find out that he does not exist?
Okay, so you're probably going to think this is crazy, but I never really believed in him. My parents were extremely religious back in the day and never really introduced the fella to us kids. Right along with only being able to watch Little House on the Prairie and homeschooling. Looking back we never missed out though- we always got surprises left for us from my parents on Christmas morning. My mom has admitted she regrets not letting us participate in the letter writing and cookie leaving rituals, but it has not bothered me. I DO plan on letting my children believe in him though. :)
4. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
The last movie I saw in a theater was absolutely wonderful! It made me truly laugh and cry. It takes a lot for me to really laugh (you know one of those your face hurts because you've laughed so hard laughs) but this movie really did! "Life As We Know It" starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel.
5. What do you wear to bed?Hmmm... usually comfy pj pants and a t-shirt, but sometimes when my husband is lucky I just wear the t-shirt ;) I used to really like lingerie, but I'm kinda over it.
Hope you have a good weekend. I have big plans, but I can't say what they are yet. It's a secret :)
Love, E
Um, wow that sounds super painful!! I can't even imagine. And I feel you on the comfy sleepers. Even when I try to take out the nice stuff, its either too cold or the hubby's already passed out;)
ReplyDeleteWhatever you are doing this weekend, hope its fun:)