Judson is not old enough to truly thank you Jimbo on Father's Day but years from now I am sure he will look back and say...
Dear Daddy,
Thank you for being the best possible Daddy you can be to me. Thank you for taking shifts throughout the night with Mama to make sure I was fed the first few months of my life. Thank you for taking me to daycare and picking me up when Mama had to leave work to go to school. Thank you for making my bottles and preparing my meals. Thank you for working hard to pay for those meals and the last minute trips for diapers. Thank you for not getting angry when I threw sweet potatoes all over you and for not complaining when I was having a bad day- but loving on me extra instead. Thank you for taking me on wagon rides and playing ball with me. Thank you for being such a good person to me and Mama. I love you.
Love, Judson

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