
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

WW Wed.

I have to say... it feels great to be back on track! The holidays really took over me and I splurged a little too much on holiday foods. I came back to work feeling like I ate a lot of wonderful stuff, but also pretty bad about myself. I think it's important to treat yourself here and there- but seriously, I went crazy! Maybe I needed that little break though to remind myself how serious I am about getting healthy and feeling good about myself. I have a goal and I need to continue hard to reach it. I can do this! I'm so close.

I have been on an egg kick and have found that eating egg whites keeps me full until lunch time. I usually eat 4 egg whites every morning, but I heard (and I can't remember where from) that if you just eat 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg that it will keep you fuller, longer. I tried it and one of my co-workers tried it and it really does work! Since I'm always in a hurry, I just boil me 4 eggs, throw them in a zip lock and eat them after I arrive at the office. So cheap, so easy, and so good for you. AND Only 3 points for all of it!

Have you seen Weight Watchers site lately? Jennifer Hudson is looking FANTASTIC! I can't get over how great she looks! I thought she was beautiful before she slimmed down, but dang, that girl is gorgeous!

Do you have new WW or diet tricks up your sleeve? Please share if you do : )

Love, E


  1. I'm so glad you reminded me that you do weight watchers wednesday!! I'm so happy to be back on WW!!

  2. I'm not a huge egg person (which is a shame since we have chickens), but I'll eat them occasionally. The regular egg/egg white trick sounds good! Maybe I need to invest in those cute flowery egg shapers and I'd eat them more! :)

  3. I've been obsessed with eggs recently as well. I boil a few ahead of time..and then have them for breakfast the next couple of mornings. I slice 'em up and add a dash of pepper and some Old Bay...My mouth is starting to water just thinking about them:)

    And Jennifer Hudson is SMOKING!! She looks sooo good. Sometimes I can't even recognize her!!

  4. I just started Weight Watchers the Monday after Christmas. I haven't done a Weight Watchers Wednesday Post, but I included my link to my blog today which are my goals for this year which includes Weight Watchers! Thanks for sharing about the eggs!

  5. Eggs are So good for you, full of protein!! HOLY MOLY Jennifer Hudson looks AMAZING!!! And that grey dress is freaking HOT also. BTW, new follower here.. found you via Mrs. MFC mclinky!
