
Friday, December 3, 2010

Five Question Friday

Hallelujah... hallelujah... it's Friday! That means it's Five Question Friday time!

1. What's on the top of your holiday wish list and why?!

A Kitchen Aid mixer of course! I seriously long for one of these babies, LOL
I want either a Lavender, Iced Blue, or Mint Green mixer. Life would just be so much easier if I had one of these :)

2. What is your favorite Christmas gift from the past?
Oh wow, this is a hard one. I have gotten so many great gifts over the years. I guess the most thoughtful one was a gift my husband bought me for our first Christmas together. I had written a poem when I was in 8th grade and submitted it in a contest and it won. It was published, but for some reason I never received my copy of the book. My husband somehow located it all those years later and had it wrapped for me underneath our Christmas tree. So sweet!

3. If you had life to do over, what would you be when you grow up?
I love my life just the way it is, but if I could do it all over again, I would have moved away right after high school. I would not have let a boy gold me back from doing the things I wanted to do. I would go to all the places I once dreamed of going and see things I will probably never get to see. I am too invested here now. There is a baby involved, so I will probably never leave home now. My parents would kill me, LOL
Sometimes I wake up and can't believe how old I am. I feel like time is slipping right out from under me. Some people think it is silly how I feel like I am old, but I really do. I guess I have an old soul. :)

4. When do you put up your tree?
The day or weekend after Thanksgiving! I want to savor every moment of the Christmas magic! It usually comes down around New Years.

5. What is your favorite Holiday?
Christmas of course, but there is something about each holiday that I love. Christmas is just my favorite because it last the longest :)

So, I was thinking a lot last night about some of my favorite holiday movies. Here are a few of my favorites that come to mind. What are your favorites?

Love, E


  1. Mixerrrrrr. Oh, those are pretty. When I "grow up" and have a "big girl house," I hope I see one of those on my kitchen counter.

    Also, your husband sounds like such a sweetie for tracking down that book! So cute!

    Love the Christmas-y blog. :)

  2. OMGAWD!!!!!!! The Holiday is MY MOVIE!!! We watch it on Turkey Eve:) and then the next night before, we watched Just Friends......tooo funny!!!!! Good times!

    I heart my Kitchen Aid love!!

    Hope your having a great holiday season!!

  3. Fingers've got to get a Kitchen Aid mixer, love mine!

    Hope you had a great weekend! Did you make it Christmas on the Hill?

