This weekend was a good weekend... Saturday, my husband Jimbo and I took Judson to his friend Sawyer's 1st birthday party. Despite the heat, we had a really good time!
Mine and Jimbo's 2 year wedding anniversary is Tuesday so my parents kept Judson for us last night and we went to dinner at Felix's Fish Camp which was wonderful by the way. I got the broiled stuffed flounder (can you believe they don't have salmon, lol) and Jimbo got fried crawfish tails. Yummy!

When we were leaving, I noticed a voicemail on my phone. My childhood friend Serena was in labor with her first child. I called back and she had already had him! In 1 hour!! Then she was texting me which was really funny because she just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and she was already texting, lol! What a proud mommy!
After all of that baby excitement, I put my attention back on my hot date ;) and we went to the movies and saw "Couples Retreat" which was really funny! Just about anything with Vince Vaughn is good. Go see it!

What's funny is that on the way to the movies
Jimbo and I got all excited and thought... oh, since we have a babysitter we should go get a drink (which we never do) after the movie was over, BUT since we are oldies we were fighting shut eye all the way through the movie (even though it was really good). People please keep in mind this was a 9:45 movie! Just pitiful. So, we skipped the drinks and came home and crashed! I slept until 9:30 which is so late for me. It was wonderful!!!
After we came out of our coma's this morning, we got dressed and went over to my brother's house. He just bought him and his fiance, Jamie Lynn an old farmhouse which is so neat! I just love it. They are working on fixing it up right now so I am excited to see what end result will be. While we were there, I took this pic of Judson with his future Aunt Jamie.

Then we came home and while I cleaned house, Judson Bailey played in his crib like a good little boy :)