
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ice cream

This past weekend we visited the Hildreth family, who are our good friends that live near Tuscaloosa. We had a blast taking Judson for his first visit to the University of Alabama and getting a glimpse at the team at the A-Day game! Judson was fussy the entire trip though because he is teething and not to mention it was really hot at the game. Please note that my child is usually very happy, always shares with others, and is over all a very loving baby (no.. really. I promise!)- BUT on our way home was a different story! He slept for what seemed like a VERY short hour when we first got going, and then he awoke with one nasty attitude! He wanted out of his car seat badly, so we stopped a couple of times and let him stretch out- get some juice, be carried outside in the sunshine, and roam around the car for a few. On one of our stops, I got an ice-cream cone from a convenient store and Judson wanted some of it. I usually am pretty picky about what he snacks on, but thought he could have a couple of licks of vanilla ice-cream.
BUT the little tot did not want to JUST lick mommy’s ice-cream cone- he wanted to hold it and he was not going to back down. Here came the ULTIMATE fit! He was kicking, screaming, grabbing, and I was at my wit’s end, I was about to scream, oh.. I could give you so many excuses right now- but in the middle of all this unnecessary craziness I caved and gave him the cone and told him to go at it!!! I am so ashamed! I even tried to take it back a couple of times and he went to wailing! What kind of mother am I? LOL! I should have beat his butt and been done with it! In light of the situation, he did cover himself in waffle cone, chocolate, nuts, and vanilla ice cream and then sat contently in his seat until we made it safely home. The quiet was nice, but my guilt was heavy. I called my parents ahead of time and told them to have the water hose ready. The End.
Love, E

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