
Friday, April 9, 2010


Man oh man.. (sigh).. I am so glad that yesterday is over with. I hate to wish time away but yesterday was one of those days that I was ready to be over. Life has been sweet lately, but not so sweet in the job department, Jimbo’s job hunting that is. He lost his job almost three months ago and has had a couple of really good interviews, especially the most recent one. He made it through the first and second interviews with a certain company (no names) and they seemed to really like the idea of having him come manage part of their company. We got way too excited, but they told him yesterday that they offered the position to someone else and they accepted. We were disappointed to say the least.
I had an extremely busy day at work yesterday that came with some frustrations and then went to pick up Judson and found out that he has been fed school lunches for the past month without my knowledge. I received the bill yesterday too. Hmmm… great daycare, but no comment on that one. I sat in the school parking lot feeling sorry for myself. Went home (well, my parents house since we are living there right now) and we ate dinner in silence. Pout. Pout. Then went to bed with a swollen leg. Man, it was just one of those days, Lol! This morning I woke up and was thinking about all of it on the way to work and then it dawned on me that I have trusted God with all the other tough situations in my life and God must me letting us take this route for some reason or another. It’s just part of his plan. Today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in and be glad! No more pouting! Back to job hunting hard core. We should be celebrating that we are alive today! The right job will come along when it is supposed to. God will provide.
Please let me know if you know of any job openings in the Mobile/Baldwin county areas. Jimbo has a B.A. in Business and over 10 years managerial experience. Have a blessed day!

Love, E


  1. I will be praying for yall, Emily! Love you!

  2. Thanks Bailey! We need all the prayers we can get :) Love you too!
