
Thursday, May 26, 2011


Dear Friends,

Wow- it seems like forever since I updated my page, but things are getting better around my neck of the woods, so I should be around more! This school semester was the most demanding of them all , but finals are over now and I have a had a 3 week break before summer semester starts. I am still working full time, but at least this summer I am only taking two classes so it should be an easy ride! So many things have taken place in the past few months that I don't even know where to start at, so I will stick to the simple stuff.

My hair is FINALLY getting longer! Remember when I cut it all off into this boy cut here? Well, it was kinda cute at times, but overall I really missed getting to do things with my hair, so I am growing it out for awhile. I'm sure I will eventually get tired of it again like I always do and chop it off again, LOL but never as short as I did that last time.

Judson is getting so big- you all saw his 2nd birthday party? It was a lot of fun, but it also seems like so long ago. It's so weird him having an opinion about things now- he tells you what he wants and doesn't want; he tells us he wants to hold us, lol; and he is so smart! I'm sure everyone says that about their child, but really, he is! He ceases to amaze me every single day. We took him on a dolphin tour at the beach and he had a blast. Isn't this picture of him and the hubby cute?

We have been talking about having another baby. Not sure when that will happen, but it's definitely up for discussion. I for sure have baby fever, but I'm on the fence.

3 reasons to get prego soon: 1) we're not getting any younger; 2) we want our children to be close in age, and 3) We want 4 kids so if we're getting older and want our kids close in age, we better get started on that 2nd child!

3 reasons to NOT get prego soon: 1) I'm the busiest person I know; 2) School is getting really demanding as in my internship and all is coming up soon; 3) it's scary thinking of adding another person and all it's stuff into our itsy bitsy house. ohhh and 4) We're going to Disney World in November and if I'm prego I can pretty much promise you that I will not have a good time.

I'm analyzing this wayyy too much, aren't I? Just tell me the truth. What do you think about all this? :)

On a lighter note, during my first week out of school I read one of the best books I've ever read and you should read it too! The movie is coming out in August, so you should go ahead and read the book before it comes out because we all know that books are way better than movies, and believe me, you don't want to miss any detail of this great book! Check out my sidebar too and see what I'm currently reading. I tend to read a lot during the summer months, so you should see a nice variety over there.

I have also been working on some projects in our home. I have been collecting pics for photo collage I have wanted to do for a really long time in our living room. I took photo's from some of our favorite family past times and painted various frames to match my decor to exhibit them on our wall. Here's what it looks like so far- not a very good picture, but you get the idea.

I have also been sanding and re-painting a little old chair that was dug out of my grandparents barn a while back. There were several of them in the barn (it is being torn down) but I only asked for one because I wanted to paint it and put it in the corner of our kitchen. I got finished with it and realized that the cushion I purchased for it does not quite fit, so I've got to make one for it.

Oh.. and I have been working on another nursery for our sweet friends, Maryann and Kevin. I can't wait to share with you how cute the mural turned out, but want to give the mommy-to-be a chance to to share pics with her friends and family before I post them.

Well ladies, that's about it for now. We are going to Memphis, TN for a family member's wedding this weekend, so I am excited about the road trip. We are also planning on taking Judson to the Memphis Zoo. He's going to love it! I am sure I will have lots of pics to share with you after our adventure. Hope you have a great Thursday! Feels good to be back!

Love, E


  1. yay for an update! i was wondering where you had been! your hair looks so pretty! mine was growing out a lot but then i cut it all off again, haha. i really like the photo collage too!

  2. I vote that you try for another baby.. now! Because, it took a little time with Judson and you don't want to start trying and have to wait forever again! :)

    Also, I got the Help downloaded to my Nook Color! I'll start on it tonight.


  3. Why do you feel the obligation to have another one? You know you can be happy just with one. You have a wonderful family, enjoy it.

  4. What a cute picture!! I love the long hair by the way, but I totally know what you mean about waiting for it to grow and then chopping it off again.

    PS - I loved The Help! Have you seen the trailer for the movie? I cannot wait for August!

  5. You look darling long or short, but I can totally relate to the "long thing." I've chopped mine off only to grow it back out. I like being able to pull it back and style it in different ways. have been busy! Glad to hear things are going to lighten up for you a bit.

    I LOVED "The Help." LOVED IT!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
