
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pacifiers for Chocolate

I had dinner with my good friends Amber and Ms. Kathy last night and we got on the discussion about pacifiers. Although Judson is only 4 months and is a long ways from being winged from his paci... we were talking about how to get kids to stop using their much desired friend. At my house we call it a pap.. so I'm just going to start calling it a pap on here.. lol
Alot of you have probably already heard of this, but I had not and thought it was the cutest idea.
Ms. Kathy told me her neighbor was trying to get her kids to stop taking a pap so she told them that they could trade their paps for chocolate at the store. So, the kids decided they would rather have chocolate than their paps and she took them up to the Counry Corner (yes.. we have a local gas station called that) and informed the cashier of what she was doing without the kids knowing. They picked out their chocolate candy and placed them and their paps on the counter. The cashier said, "Oh, are you buying chocolate with your paps today?" lol and they answered yes and the mom paid her while the kids walked out the door. So cute! I think I may use lollipops for Judson when the time comes!

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