Judson Bailey went to see Dr. Mobley yesterday and he is a whopping 17 lbs. 2 oz. 24.5 inches. What a BIG boy! That's how I like babies though.. little chunky monkeys! So cute.
Anyway- Dr. Mobley (who's name always reminds me of Mogley in the Jungle Book) measured the growing hemangioma (strawberry) on Judson Bailey's back. They are keeping an eye on it to make sure it does not grow too rapidly. She advised me that it will start going down in 1-2 years and to not have it lasered or messed with what so ever. My problem with this birth mark is not cosmetic wise.. it's that he seems to be uncomfortable with it. He won't lay to that side of his body, he will not roll over on that side.. I just want to make sure it is not bothering him. I for sure want nature to take it's course and not have it lasered or surgically altered unless absolutely necessary. He was so excited to see the doctor.. he giggled and cooed.. and then he got his shots!! 5 of them!! Poor baby. I almost cried. Poor me.
They tested his vision, hearing, etc. everything is great! Thank you God. He is running a low grade fever today and being slightly quiet, but hopefully he will be feeling hisself tonight when we get home.